Eagle Resources

Eagle Scout patch

If you are a Star or Life Scout (or their parent) wanting to advance to the Rank of Eagle, then you are in the right place!

These pages will provide you with information specific to earning the Eagle Scout Rank. If you follow the guidance here, plus use the help and advice that adults in your troop can provide, you have a good chance of successfully navigating the process of earning the Eagle Scout Rank.

So, let’s get started with a couple of essentials about the Eagle Scout Rank and how it is a little different from the other Scout ranks and your experience in Scouting so far:

Eagle Scout Rank Essentials

  • To earn the Eagle Scout Rank, you need to “plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project. You must prepare a written proposal for your project using the official workbook. In addition to approvals from your unit and beneficiary the proposal must also be reviewed and approved by a District representative before you begin. Make sure to read and follow the information in the link Eagle Project Proposal Review Process on the sidebar to the left of this page. The project a major undertaking, but you already know this since you have helped others with their Eagle Projects! What you might not know is that this project is but one of seven requirements you need to satisfy to earn Eagle Scout Rank.  Don’t forget those others!
  • In addition to actually completing a set of requirements like other ranks in Scouting, to advance to Eagle Scout Rank you have to actually complete an application – the “Eagle Scout Rank Application.”
  • The Board of Review for Eagle Scout Rank is conducted by people in scouting from across the District and not just within your unit.  Don’t worry, these people are kind and friendly, just like you!
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook


Guidelines for Age Appropriate Use of Tools

Click here to view the Age Guidelines for Tool Use and Work at Elevations and Excavations (from the Guide to Safe Scouting)

Scouts should refer to this document when preparing the Safety sections of their Proposal and Final Plan.


Looking for an idea for an Eagle Service project?

Check out this site for several ideas, and before and after photos:




Eagle Packet

The process starts with the Eagle packet.  This consists of the following items that must be submitted together to the council office:

* The newest version of the Eagle Scout Rank Application, completed through UNIT APPROVAL, and signed by the unit leader and unit committee chair

* Statement of ambitions and life purpose (see Requirement 7 on the Eagle Scout Rank Application)

* List of positions held and honors or awards demonstrating leadership outside of Scouting (see Requirement 7 on the Eagle Scout Rank Application)

* Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook complete with all signatures

A copy should be made of the application; service project workbook; the Scout’s statement of ambitions and life purpose; and listing of positions, honors, and awards. Once copies are in safekeeping, the originals should be delivered promptly to the council service center.  If possible, everything should be hand-delivered.  Otherwise it should be sent by registered or certified mail.  (ref: 2021 Guide to Advancement Submit to Council Service Center) Documentation of approval(s) (e.g. hard copy of email) should be included in the event that pandemic restrictions precluded the ability to obtain a required signature.

For candidates nearing their 18th birthday, the packet must be received by the council office within five working days of your 18th birthday.

Eagle Application Resources

Eagle Scout Rank Application

Click here to access the newest printing of the application on the official BSA web site.

An an alternative: The application may be accessed from Scoutbook. An Eagle Application report is available in Scoutbook. This version will automatically fill in required information already in the ScoutBook database. See https://help.scoutbook.com/knowledge-base/eagle-application/

Recommendation Letter Requests

Click here for details about the Eagle Recommendation Letters.

See also pages 10, 12 & 14 of the 2023 Occoneechee Council Life to Eagle Guide

Eagle Service Project Registration form

The preferred method is to register your project and upload a photo using EagleRefs.org. Alternatively, your may print and complete page 14 of the 2023 Occoneechee Council Life to Eagle Guide.  Bring the completed form and a high quality photo of your project to your Eagle Board of Review.

Additional Resources

Occoneechee Council Life to Eagle Guide

Click here to access the 2023 Occoneechee Council Life to Eagle Guide.

Produced by the Occoneechee Council Advancement Committee, this guide is designed to help Eagle candidates and adult leaders understand the requirements for advancement to Eagle and how they are applied in our council.

Guide to Safe Scouting

Guide to Safe Scouting

The official BSA publication designed to prepare adult leaders to conduct Scouting activities safely and prudently. The first section of the guide is devoted to youth protection and adult leadership.

Eagle candidates must ensure that adults who provide supervision for their projects are acquainted with, and agree to abide by, these guidelines and those in the Guide to Safe Scouting.

BSA Guide to Advancement:

The 2021 edition of the Guide to Advancement is currently available as a pdf version which can be downloaded from here:


Eagle Board of Review

Check out this great summary of the whole process: